Sunday, September 16, 2018

Multi-level Marketing

I feel I need to explain multi-level marketing. People have the wrong impression. I think it began with Amway distributors who tricked people into going to meetings. It is confused with the pyramid schemes that wiped so many people out financially. A pyramid scheme has no product - people just put in money, and the ones at the top benefit.

With multi-level marketing, there is a product to sell. In my case, it is CBD oil. The company is called Zilis. The product is of a high quality. In order to build a business, present distributors sponsor new distributors. So if I sponsor 4 people, when they sell product they get credit for it and get paid for the product they have sold. I also get credit because I sponsored them. Now if those 4 distributors sponsor 4 each that would be 16 people on that level plus the 4 above them, and then myself. The distributors below me, those 4, get credit for their own sales and the sales of the 16 below them; and it keeps growing from there. The ones who sponsor others do not get anything instead of those they sponsor but in addition to them. You can build your own business and so can I. It is to my advantage to help you succeed because the better you do, the better I do and the same goes for those below you.

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